Greenland & Antarctic Guide Services

Every few years, I return to Antarctic or Greenland to guide a ski expedition to the South Pole or a kiting expedition on the west side of the Greenland icecap from Kangerlussuaq to Qaanaaq. If you are interested in a less travel route in Greenland or in Antarctica, do get in touch, there are still some unique and scenic routes that are hardly travelled.

Standard Options for the Greenland icecap are:

Ski - West to east crossing

  • Distance: 550 kilometers
  • Duration: 25 – 30 days
  • Season: Mid-April to mid-May

Kite - Shorter south to north route (Kangerlussuaq to Qaanaaq)

  • Distance: 1,500 kilometers
  • Duration: 20 – 30 days
  • Season: May to early July.

Kite - Complete south to north route (Narsarsuaq to Qaanaaq)

  • Distance: 2,300 kilometers
  • Duration: 40 – 50 days
  • Season: Mid-April to early July


Standard Options for Antarctica are:

Kite - Geographic South Pole to Hercules Inlet (coast)

  • Distance: 1,100 kilometers
  • Duration: 20 – 30 days
  • Season: November to mid-January

Ski – Hercules Inlet to the Geographic South Pole

  • Distance: 1,100 kilometers
  • Duration: 50 – 60 days days
  • Season: November to mid-January

Kite - Novo Russian base (coast) to Pole of Inaccessibility

  • Distance: 1,700 kilometers
  • Duration: 50 – 60 days
  • Season: November to January